Well, we're approaching a year and most people are still not back to a normal work experience. I'm among them. Luckily the work and the laughs continue. Corporate Comedy is alive and well--even if it looks different.
Another great show this week for a real estate group out of Silicon Valley. They were having a "kick off the new year meeting" and they had me Zoom in to provide some laughs and inspiration for 2021. It was a lot of fun.
As a testament to how we are all making it work, they had a live band, a pep talk from their CEO, a bartending lesson, a TikTok video contest AND me! All the things (maybe more) than they would have had if there was no pandemic. Sure, last year the same meeting was at Levi Stadium in a huge VIP room with catered food and a view of the 49ers football field... but who could have worn pajama bottoms to that? I'm guessing most of the 500 plus people in this virtual conference were.
Corporate comedy and corporate comedians have had to make changes and be flexible, just like the businesses they serve. Sure it's not the same as Levi Stadium. But I wouldn't have been able to share laughs and stories with so many of these employees loved ones and pets who end up jumping into the show too! There's lots missing from live performances... but there'll be a couple things (dogs) I'll miss when we go back to doing the conferences, meetings and fundraisers in person.